Wak kawsayqa, Hopi wakiqa, orionta ashkata yachacharqapis. Arizonapi, hatun cequekunawan llajtapura Orionta rikuchikusqa allpapi qhawayta atinchej. Inka Kawsaypaq Orion qhapaq chakana kan.
(Otra cultura, la sociedad Hopi, también estudió mucho a Orión. En Arizona, con grandes líneas imaginarias podemos observar en la tierra representada a Orión. Para la cultura inka, Orión es la chakana principal.
Text of Gary A. David:
Extending from the giant hand of Arizona’s Black Mesa that juts down from the northeast, three great fingers of rock beckon. They are the three Hopi Mesas, isolated upon this desolate but starkly beautiful landscape to which the Ancient Ones so long ago were led. Directing our attention to this "Center of the World," we clearly see the close correlation to Orion’s Belt. Mintaka, a double star and the first of the trinity to peek over the eastern horizon as the constellation rises, corresponds to Oraibi and Hotevilla on Third (West) Mesa. The former village is considered the oldest continuously inhabited community on the continent, founded in the early twelfth century. About seven miles to the east, located at the base of Second (Middle) Mesa, Old Shungopovi (initially known as Masipa, a cognate of the deity Masau’u) was reputedly the first to be established after the Bear Clan migrated into the region circa A.D. 1100. Its celestial correlative is Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt. About seven miles farther east on First (East) Mesa, the adjacent villages of Walpi, Sichomovi, and Hano (Tewa) --the first of which was established prior A.D. 1300-- correspond to the triple star Alnitak, rising last of the three stars of the Belt.
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