Andepi ñawpa purunrunaq ñawpaq phutiqa tarpuyta ashkachay karqa. Chakrayta ruwayqa uj taripay runakunapaq, aqu pampapi, qeshwapi, punapi, yungapi tiyaqkuna, karqapuni. Uj uj allpa kawsaypaq, ancha chikanyay paypura, runakunaqa uj allwiyakamata tarpuypaq wallparqanku.
(José Wasingerpa yallichiynin, translation)
purunruna: inhabitants of the prehistoric Andean
ashkachay: to grow
phuti: worry
taripay: challenge
aqu pampa:deserts
yunga: jungles
allpa kawsay: enviroments
allwiyakama: technique
The major worry of the inhabitants of the prehistoric Andean sphere was to achieve the greatest agricultural production possible. The configuration of the country was a constant challenge for the population which had to overcome vast coastal deserts, abrupt terrain in the highlands, wide punas covered with the typical high altitude ichu grass and hostile jungles. For each one of those environments so different from each other they had to invent appropriate techniques of cultivation and utilization.
(Text of Maria Rostworowski)
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